RSI Day Life-altering injuries Repetitive strain injury (RSI) or musculosketal disorder (MSD) are umbrella terms used to describe a collection of injuries that affect the muscles, nerves and tendons. Tendonitis, tenosynovitis and carpal tunnel syndrome are some common examples. Common symptoms include aches, pains, tingling, swelling and loss of joint movement and strength in the affected area(s). These symptoms can progress into crippling disorders preventing those affected from working or leading normal lives. A variety of workplace factors can play a role in the development of RSIs including: repetition, work pace, work organization, awkward or fixed positions, forceful movements, vibration, cold temperatures, contact stress, pyschosocial stress, and insufficient recovery time. Prevention through intervention Approximately 2.3 million Canadian adults have experienced a repetitive strain injury (RSI) serious enough to limit their normal activities, says a recent new Statistics Canada study. These findings mark a significant increase in RSI incidence over the five-year period between 1996 and 2001. The survey established the majority of these injuries are caused by work-related activity. It also found a direct link between RSIs and stress. For workers and their representatives this is not news. But what is new is a growing consensus on the need for dramatic interventions to stem suffering related to RSI pain and dysfunction. RSI Awareness Day provides an important opportunity to explore these interventions. Ontario Workers Health and Safety Centre website