28 April - Day of Mourning for Person’s Killed or Injured in the Workplace

April 28th is designated by Royal Statute as, a ‘Day of Mourning for Person’s Killed or Injured in the Workplace’. The Statute declares that, “it is desirable that Canadians should designate a day of mourning to remember workers killed, disabled or injured in the workplace and workers afflicted with industrial disease.” This day is critical to public awareness and support of our collective efforts to save worker lives. The sad

IAM-NSGEU ratify first agreement

Wednesday April 4, 2017 For Immediate Release Dartmouth, NS – The Nova Scotia Government Employees Union – NSGEU – unit of IAM Local Lodge 2797 have overwhelmingly ratified their first collective agreement. The three-year agreement provides wage increases of 1.5 per cent in the first year retroactive to January 1, 2015 and 1.5 per cent in the second retroactive to January 1, 2016 and 1.5 percent in the third year

First Contract for Superior Nissan a Gem!

Tuesday April 4, 2017 For Immediate Release Sault Ste. Marie, ON – “We came within four hours of going out on strike, the membership stood behind the bargaining team and that was the difference,” explained IAM Grand Lodge Representative Ralph Martin. The 27 newest members of IAM Local Lodge 2332 ratified their first collective agreement with Superior Nissan, Superior Custom Detailing and Superior Used Cars, over the weekend by an

The IAM fights against Contract-Flipping on Parliament Hill

The growing trend and threat of contract-flipping at Canadian airports is a pressing issue and the IAM is at the forefront to ensure that outrageous practice ends now. This practice is a major concern to the IAM and our members working at airports. Many of our members are affected by it, especially our Sisters and Brothers working at the Toronto Pearson International Airport, the largest airport in Canada. General Vice-President

“Designing an Alternative: A Response to Right-Wing Populism”

On Saturday, 18 March, 2017, Hamilton, Ontario hosted an intriguing day-long discussion on alternatives to the waves of right-wing populism sweeping the world. Organised by the Hamilton-Mountain NDP Riding Association, “Designing an Alternative: A Response to Right-Wing Populism” featured speakers and discussions with the audience. 11 IAM members and staff attended. Six guests spoke on a range of topics, including “The Problem with Liberalism”, “Bernie Would Have Won”, “Environmental Inequality”,

IndustriALL condemns arrests of trade unionists in Algeria

23.03.2017 IndustriALL Global Union is calling for the immediate release of at least nine trade unionists arrested on 21 March by security forces in Algeria. Mellal Raouf, President of IndustriALL affiliate the electricity and gas workers’ union, SNATEGS, and eight members of the union’s executive office, were seized at their hotel as they were about to attend a major rally in the northern city of Tizi Ouzou. Security forces blocked

Decent Work

Decent work sums up the aspirations of people in their working lives. It involves opportunities for work that is productive and delivers a fair income, security in the workplace and social protection for families, better prospects for personal development and social integration, freedom for people to express their concerns, organize and participate in the decisions that affect their lives and equality of opportunity and treatment for all women and men.

It’s Golf Season

Spring will soon be here…start thinking of the green stuff, GRASS, clean the clubs and polish your golf shoes. The IAM has three charity golf tournaments over the next few months. First up; 21 st annual Dave Ritchie Golf tournament, slated for Saturday, June 10 at Remington Parkview in Toronto and then District 250 is holding their 2nd annual tournament on Saturday, June 24 at Newlands GC in Langley BC.

Machinists see implementation as the key to the budget!

Ottawa, ON – The latest federal budget, as one analyst stated, offers lots of vision but few numbers. It poses two questions: 1) what can our Canadian Machinist members expect but, more importantly, 2) is when can they expect it? The Liberals emphasized skills training, infrastructure and child care. Under social infrastructure, the Liberals have pledged $11 billion but the figure is a hollow one as it’s spread over 11

Empire Living ratifies new agreement

Thursday March 23, 2017 For Immediate Release North Bay, ON – The members of IAM Local Lodge 1295 have ratified a new collective agreement with Empire Living. The four-year agreement provides wage increases of 2 per cent in each year. Other highlights include: Improved life insurance coverage Increased vacation days Increased sick days “Negotiations committee members Suzanne Hamilton and Debbie Proulx were instrumental in ensuring that their members concerns were