Lobby Day – Ottawa February 5-6-7-, 2018

Ottawa, ON – It’s time for another day of lobbying on Parliament Hill with the Canadian Labour Congress. We will be lobbying the government on the need for National Pharmacare and stopping the privatization of Canadian infrastructure which includes our airports, a subject of great interest to our IAM members. The schedule dates are February 5, 6 and 7, 2018 .Local Lodge Political Action Committees and Local Lodge presidents should

Employer efforts backfire in organizing victory for IAM

Wednesday November 8, 2017 For Immediate Release Maple Ridge, BC – Efforts by the management of Innovative Parts and Solutions to stop an organizing drive by the IAM has backfired. “One hour prior to the vote, the employer promised a wage increase and assured no one would be terminated if they voted no,” explained IAM District Lodge 250 Business Representative Al Cyr. “I made a point of advising the employees

Private Member’s Bill introduced to save Workers’ pensions!

Ottawa, ON – It was somewhat fitting on the 150th anniversary of Canada’s first Parliament, NDP Finance Critic Scott Duvall introduced a Private Member’s Bill to save workers’ pensions. “This bill is designed to amend the Company’s Creditors Arrangement Act which currently permits legalized theft of workers’ pensions when an employer files for bankruptcy,” Duvall told a crowd of protestors on the steps of Parliament Hill. “When it comes to

IAM booth a big hit at annual AME conference

Mississauga, ON – The IAM information booth at the 2017 Aircraft Maintenance Engineers (AME) Association conference was a tremendous success. “We couldn’t have asked for a better result,” said a pleased IAM Transportation District Lodge 140 General Chairperson Dave Freeman. “I would give this a 9 out of 10, and we attracted a great deal of interest from people working in the industry, both Union and non-union alike.     The

Senator Bernie Sanders in Toronto: "Public health is a human right!"

TORONTO – U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders addressed a vibrant speech last Sunday on the Canadian public health care system to an enthusiastic and energized crowd at the University of Toronto. Senator Sanders was visiting Canada last week to get ideas from experts, politicians and medical workers on the Canadian universal health care system. He introduced a Bill in Congress to bring a government funded health system to his home country.

Convention 2020 fundraising off to good start

Toronto, ON – Although the 40th IAM Grand Lodge Convention in San Diego doesn’t happen until September 2020, preparations began immediately after the 39th convention wrapped up in Chicago in 2016. Conventions like ours cost a considerable amount of money and require a tremendous amount of work from each and every IAM member on both sides of the border. To ensure that 2020 is a success, fund raising by local

Aviation Safety Study – A Waste of Taxpayer’s Time and Money!

By Carlos DaCosta – IAM Canadian Airline Coordinator On April 2017, the IAM made a presentation to the Standing Committee on Transport, Infrastructure and Communities (SCOTIC) regarding Aviation safety concerns our members are experiencing in the air transport sector in Canada. The IAM received a response from Minister of Transport, Marc Garneau on October 18, 2017 and was very disappointed. The IAM’s submission dealt with two separate areas of concerns:

CIRB decision highlights Transportation DL 140 Conference

Toronto, ON – The highlight of the IAM Transportation District Lodge 140 convention here was the announcement that the Canada Industrial Relations Board (CIRB) told Garda Security Screening, it’s Screening Point Managers (SPM’S) at Toronto airports have the right to join the IAM.     That decision stems from unfair labour practices charges filed with the board last month against Garda by IAM Transportation District Lodge 140. In an interim order,

NAFTA Termination a Real Possibility

Old FTA not a slam dunk! Ottawa, ON – The next round of NAFTA talks are slated for Mexico City from November 17-21, 2017 and as the expression goes, the words may change but the song remains the same. U.S. President Donald Trump says he’ll cancel NAFTA if he can’t get a deal but his firm deadline of the end of this year has now been extended to March 2018.

Garda Screening Point Managers can join the IAM

Toronto, ON – The Canada Industrial Relations Board has told Garda Security Screening Inc. that its Screening Point Managers (SPM’s) at Toronto’s Pearson International Airport have the right to join the IAM. The decision stems from unfair labour practices filed with the board against Garda by IAM Transportation District Lodge 140 last month. The board also ordered Garda to reinstate IAM Transportation District Lodge 140 General Chairperson Barrington Burnett who