Situation Critical – IAM Sounding Alarm on Air Transportation

16 October, 2020 For immediate release Toronto, ON – Yesterday, WestJet announced an 80% reduction in flights to Atlantic Canada and Quebec City due to the ongoing pandemic. With these cuts to service, combined with layoffs in the airline and aerospace sectors, as well as the onset of a “Second wave” of the COVID-19 pandemic, the forecast is dire. “The industry is in peril. The IAM is again calling on

IAM Local 901 negotiates and ratifies new contract despite pandemic

IAM Local 901 members at HMFT (Howard Marten Fluid Technologies, formerly Howard Marten Company Limited) ratified a collective agreement this past Friday. In addition to wage increases, the members we united in ensuring all technicians were aligned into the same classification. Furthermore, the members will receive an increased boot allowance, shift premiums, and enhanced severance benefits in the Collective Agreement. “Time and time again, our members have shown us they

Layoffs in the aerospace industry - A second wave of layoffs is emerging

October 14th, 2020 – The fact that companies such as Pratt and Whitney and Airbus are planning layoffs is a new indicator of the severity of the current crisis in air transport and the aerospace sector. “It’s always frustrating to hear that workers are going to lose their jobs, but it’s even more so when you consider that the federal government could have taken action to prevent this from happening,”

Government Actions Must Focus on Workers!

With over two million jobs lost to the pandemic, the IAMAW calls for a government strategy that will replace those jobs with better ones. The IAMAW calls on government actions to help workers in all sectors recover from the economic lockdown, particularly workers in the airline, and aerospace industries. Many sectors across Canada face the prospect of a long recovery. Government actions to support these industries must focus first and

Contract ratified despite pandemic challenges - IAM Local 692 Finning BC

07 October, 2020 For immediate release Surrey, B.C. – More than 700 members of IAM Local 692 working for Finning across British Columbia and the Yukon voted in the second round of the contract ratification and accepted a new collective agreement. The three-year deal brought a wage increase of 1% per year over the first two years and 2% in the final year. A workshare program was initiated by the

Despite pandemic, IAM Commitment to education and training still rock solid

07 October, 2020 Information for Members The IAM’s renowned William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center, also known as the W3 Center or Placid Harbor, is up and running with online training. “The programming is available for the balance of 2020,” said Chris Wagoner, Director of the Winpisinger Center. The training portal is currently active and all DBRs, PDBRs and PDGCs, as well as District and Local Presidents, Recording Secretaries

IAM Local 1120 members ratify agreement after standing strong

07 October, 2020 For Immediate Release Thunder Bay, ON – Members of IAM Local Lodge 1120 have ratified a new collective agreement with Badanai Motors. The deal comes as a result of a final offer from the employer, removing some key controversial items from their initial demands. “The employer removed two of their demands from the table: concessions and flat-rate compensation,” explained IAM Local Lodge 1120 Directing Business Representative Pete

MTU apprenticeship grads

7 October, 2020 For immediate release Delta, B.C. – Members at IAM Local Lodge 764, working at MTU Maintenance Canada have secured work for a decade. This comes as welcome news for those members, as well as the IAM. It assures the work will be there for IAM members despite the COVID-19 pandemic. “This is great news for our Members.  The transportation sector has been significantly impacted by this pandemic,

Federal Government Should “Absolutely” Support Canada’s Airlines

October 2, 2020 – “The Federal Government should absolutely support Canada’s airline and air transportation industry!” This was the unequivocal statement of Stan Pickthall, Canadian General Vice President of the Machinists Union (IAM). “This is a position we have taken throughout the pandemic, and one that we have published in two releases on our website.” September 25: Feds must support air transportation now September 30: Crisis in Air transport and Aerospace – The

Technicians at Kal Tire in Thunder Bay ratify agreement the second time around

29 September, 2020 For immediate release Fort Frances, ON – After rejecting the first tentative agreement in August 2020, the members at IAM Local Lodge 1120 in Fort Francis working for Kal Tire have ratified their new collective agreement. The ratification assures labour peace between the parties for the next two years. “We made some gains for our members, and they’ve seen the value of it,” said Tony Didoshak, Grand