100 more Stelia workers join IAM

29 September, 2020 For immediate release Mirabel, QC – Making sure their seniority was protected was the number one priority of the 100 newest members of IAM Local Lodge 712. Seniority was the top issue for the 100 new members and that priority has been safeguarded. IAM District 11 Business Representative, Éric Rancourt, with the help of the DL 11 Organising Committee, worked closely with the group at Stelia until

Crisis in Air transport and Aerospace - The federal government must not underestimate what is happening

Montreal, September 30th, 2020- Air transport and Aerospace are among the sectors most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. In Canada, tens of thousands of jobs and the survival of many businesses are at stake. The crisis that is simultaneously hitting these two sectors deserves the attention of a parliamentary committee “A perfect storm is hitting both industries,” says David Chartrand, Quebec coordinator of the Machinists’ Union. For several months now,

IAM fighting for members at Billy Bishop Airport (YTZ)

(The information below has been edited to accurately reflect the situation at Billy Bishop Airport.) The IAM received notice this week that screening operations at Billy Bishop (YTZ) airport would be temporarily closing as of October 5, 2020. The closure was due to a stoppage in incoming and outbound flights that require pre-board screening from the airport – an effect of COVID-19 on the airline industry. Billy Bishop airport remains

The pandemic can’t stop us! IAM Canada continues commitment to education

“The pandemic is putting a halt to many things these days, but it can’t stop the IAM’s commitment to education,” said Gord Falconer, Chief-of-Staff of IAM Canada. “It’s how we get our strength,” he said. Approximately 50 members of IAM Local 2921, Screening Officers at Pearson International Airport, attended the Stewards Training conducted by Falconer – formerly the Education Representative for Canada. Airline Coordinator Keith Aiken, Research Director Ivana Saula

IAM Local 235 members at Metrolinx ratify new contract

Local 235 IAM members employed by Metrolinx recently ratified a new three-year agreement. The negotiating committee held several virtual ratification meetings over a couple days to review the changes contained in the tentative agreement. The tentative agreement included a wage increases in each year of the agreement as well as language improvements including an increase in union orientation time with our new IAM members, improved vacation carryover/payout and overtime language.

Thirty-five nurses join at IAM LL1295

28 September, 2020 For immediate release TORONTO, ON – The Registered Nurses (RNs) and Registered Practical Nurses (RPNs) at Bellwood Health Services recently overwhelmingly voted YES to joining the IAM. “They had heard of our recent organizing victory at RNS Health Services and decided that they wanted a Union that would fight for them as well”, explained Organizer Rootisha Rampat. “They made their decision as a group and stuck together,” Rootisha

Feds Must Support Air Transportation Now!

In this week’s Throne Speech the federal government announced they would be providing “further support” for industries that have been the hardest hit, including travel and tourism. “Covid-19 has devastated our members and their families, particularly in the transportation industry. We need more than just talk of support. We need action, and we need it now.” That was the response from IAM Air Transportation Coordinator Keith Aiken. Also announced this

The Hypocrisy of the right wing conservatives.

As Canadians across the country watched and listened to the throne speech, September 23, it was evident by the conservative opposition party, as well as their provincial counterparts, remarks that the conservatives have an austerity plan rather than a plan to help ordinary Canadians who have been affected the most by the pandemic. Conservative-led provincial governments across Canada have used this pandemic.  They continue to “put out their hands for

Christian Bilodeau

15 September, 2020 For immediate release Montreal, QC – IAM members at Local 1660 in Montreal, QC voted to accept a 5-year contract with Dominion Sample. The members voted overwhelmingly to accept the new agreement. The agreement contains some new, as well as many improvements, including: wage increases of 2.75% for the first 2 years, and 3% for the last 3 years of the contract new language on “Progressive Retirement”

IAM Local 11 wins big in Arbitrator’s Decision

22 September, 2020 For immediate release Vancouver, BC – Arbitrator Corrinn Bell issued two decision, both in favour of IAM Local 11 members working at Avcorp Inc. The basis of the union’s grievances lay in the fact that 11 members (10 aircraft mechanics and one material handler) were all laid off and their seniority retention ran out. After a span of approximately 4 years, they were rehired as new employees, but