March 29, 2023

First IAM contract brings gains for workers at Belterra in Calgary

Calgary, AB – 26 new IAM members voted to accept their very first IAM contract. Last week, the new IAM members of Local Lodge 2583 in Calgary, Alberta ratified a first collective agreement with Belterra. They join Belterra workers in British Columbia. “While we were able to achieve a 2-year deal and get 16.5% wage increases since ratification. The real reason we were at the table was to address work-life

Securing Retirement: Local Lodge 54 Is Laying the Groundwork

Pension security for many Canadian workers is a fading reality, as most employers offer unstable and risky sources of pension savings, or none at all. Union pension plans have always provided a superior form of pension savings, taking risk and responsibility off workers, while yielding predictable, guaranteed for life pensions. For all intents and purposes, pensions are becoming a top-of-mind issue among members. We see this resurgence among many members,

IAM’s Saula makes key presentation at international OECD conference

Artificial intelligence is constantly changing the way we learn, think, work, and act. Given rapid advancements in AI, the IAM embarked on a study of the impact of new technologies on our member’s work. We’ve used this information to raise our members’ and the public’s awareness, but perhaps most importantly, we’re ensuring the findings are influencing legislation and policy development. The capacity of AI technologies continues to be augmented by

Making progress on gender equality - Valliere attends UNCSW67

Earlier this month a delegation of Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) affiliates attended the United Nations 67th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW67) from 6-17 March, 2023 in New York City. The theme of the meeting was Innovation and Technological Change: Education in the Digital Age – Progress toward Gender Equality. During the week there were many side panel discussions which took place. A great opportunity for