Machinists’ News

Pickthall tells OPCM, Ontario Bill 148 doesn’t go far enough

Toronto, ON – “All the people in this room should be proud of the work they have done to make changes to Ontario Labour laws a reality but I’m here to tell you that our work isn’t done yet,” explained IAM Canadian GVP Stan Pickthall. Speaking to delegates at the 56th conference of the Ontario Council of Machinists, Pickthall said the changes to the Ontario Employment Standards Act and the

OPCM gets better and better

Toronto, ON – There are three Machinists Councils in Canada, the Maritime Machinists Council, the Quebec Machinists Council and the Ontario Machinist Council or OPCM and this past weekend, the OPCM celebrated its 56th conference. It began with a welcoming speech from Jim McDowell – President of the Peel Region Labour Council. The conference came on the heels of the changes to the Ontario Employment Standards Act and the Ontario

Ontario Bill 148: The Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act, 2017

By Lou Pagrach – IAM Grand Lodge Representative for political Action The Special Advisors to the Changing Workplaces Review have released a 419-page Final Report. A Summary Report has also been issued. The Report, which proposes amendments to Ontario’s Employment Standards Act, 2000 and Labour Relations Act, 1995, contains 173 recommendations. In 2015 Minister of Labour Kevin Flynn initiated the Changing Workplaces Review by appointing C. Michael Mitchell and John

Machinists ink new deal with Air Transat

Tuesday June 6, 2017 For Immediate Release   Montréal, QC – Members of IAM Local Lodge 2309 in Montreal, Local Lodge 2413 in Toronto, Local Lodge 2734 in Calgary and Local Lodge 16 in Vancouver have ratified a new multi-year agreement with Air Transat. “This is a good deal for these members and they have been rewarded for their hard work,” explained IAM Transportation District Lodge 140 General Chairperson George

Pickthall letter to Trudeau, Garneau

Toronto, June 1, 2017 Prime Minister of Canada The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau, P.C., M.P. Prime Minister of Canada Langevin Block Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A2   Prime Minister: The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAMAW) represents over 400,000 workers including 40,000 in Canada. We are the largest union in the air transport sector in Canada. We are writing this letter to you because of the great concern our

2017 IAM Communications Conference

More than 100 IAM Communicators from across Canada and the United States met for the 2017 IAM Communications Conference. We shared strategies on how to better communicate through traditional as well as the newer social media and asked ourselves how we could cut through the noise in our communications to better reach our members. The hashtag for the conference was #VoiceActivation and the conference focused on how to activate our

IAM continues fight for changes in Ontario labour law

In 2015 Minister of Labour Kevin Flynn initiated the Changing Workplaces Review to undertake the largest review of Ontario’s labour laws conducted for decades and report back to the Minister. The review was to consider issues brought about, in part, by the growth of precarious employment. The Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL) has made important recommendations to the Employment Standards Act and Labour Relations Act. The IAM believes that it is crucial to

Anti-Airport Privatization Campaign

As of June 1, 2017, the IAM will kick off our national “Anti-Airport Privatization” campaign with the support of all Local Lodges within District Lodge 140. Our preparations for this campaign began at the recent IAM Transportation Conference held on April 2017. Delegates discussed the reasons why privatizing airports is bad for our members, the flying public, and the national airlines in Canada, and developed a unified message to deliver

Organizing through Communicating

Austin, TEX – The better a union communicates with the unorganized, the better its chances of growing. That idea was hammered home during the second day of the 2017 IAM Communications Conference in Austin, Texas. A panel of communicators revealed their best communication tools for organizing. The fact that surprised a lot of delegates was that 96 per cent of text messages are read! Canadian Communications Representative Frank Saptel supported

Babineaux bids communicators farewell!

Austin, Tex – Outgoing IAM General Vice President Dianne Babineaux gave her final address to IAM Communicators this morning at the 2017 IAM Communications Conference. She told the 125 delegates, including 20 from Canada, that all of them are a big part of the Union’s success. “It will be tough to retire but I see only great things ahead from all of you,” she said. Adding to the conference theme