News Releases

Machinists Sign Lucrative Agreement at Hickman!

For Immediate Release Gander, NL – Members of IAMAW Local Lodge 544 has ratified a new collective agreement with Hickman Motors by a margin of 87.5 per cent. The three-year agreement provides wage increases of 6 per cent in the first year, 6 per cent in the second year and 5 per cent in the third year. The agreement also provides for an increase in the employees shop clothing allowance.

Machinists Ask All Parties to Commit Publicly to a Canadian Air Transport Policy

For Immediate Release Toronto, ON – The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers have asked all four federal political leaders to commit to a Canadian Air Transport Policy. “The leading principle for Canada in any international air transport negotiations must be the maintenance of a strong Canadian-owned and based air transport industry,” said IAMAW Canadian General Vice President Dave Ritchie in a letter to each federal party leader. “A

Machinists Expand at Calgary Airport!

For Immediate Release Calgary, AB – Ramp and Grooming workers employed by Airport Terminal Services at the Calgary International Airport are the newest members of the IAMAW. “This is a great day for workers at ATS,” declared IAMAW District 140 General Chairperson Mike Ambler. “The inside committee as well as IAMAW Local Lodge 2734 President Cisco Cain and his membership worked hard to make this organizing drive a success. These

Machinists Ratify with City Motors

For Immediate Release Corner Brook, NL – Members of IAMAW Local Lodge 544 have ratified a new collective agreement with City Motors by a margin of 91 per cent. The three-year agreement provides wage increases 4.5 per cent in the first year for qualified technicians if they attain Level 2 as per the Chrysler Certification and $ .50 per hour for the Parts Department personnel. The wage increase in the

Machinists Applaud Ottawa’s Refusal to Bow to UAE Pressure!

For Immediate Release Toronto, ON – The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers applauds the actions of the Federal Government in refusing to bow to political pressure by the United Arab Emirates. The UAE wants the Canadian government to allow Emirates Air increased access to the Canadian air transport market. “As the largest union at Air Canada, the country’s principal air carrier, representing more than 11,000 workers, we’re opposed

Machinists Ratify New Deal with Safran Electronics!

For Immediate Release Peterborough, ON – Members of IAMAW Local Lodge 905 have ratified a new collective agreement with Safran Electronics Canada Inc. “Last chance mediation was required prior to accomplishing an agreement recommended by the Local 905 bargaining committee” said Bill Shipman, Grand Lodge Representative. “This is unfortunately the rule rather than the exception in aerospace parts manufacturing today largely as a result of a protracted sluggish recovery in

Seymour Workers Ratify First Agreement!

For Immediate Release North Bay, ON – Earlier this year, workers at Seymour Windows and Doors Limited decided to join the IAMAW and their first collective agreement has validated that choice. “We delivered their first benefits plan in the first contract,” explained IAMAW Grand Lodge Representative Colin Cherry. “This is a good starting point and the membership is very happy.” The four-year agreement provides for a wage increase of a

Machinists Continue to Grow with OPT

For Immediate Release Richmond Hill, ON – The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers has added more members with the expansion of Ontario Patient Transfer’s newest base in Richmond Hill just north of Toronto. “We’re building on the relationship we developed with OPT since we organized their home base in Hamilton more than a year ago,” explained IAMAW District Lodge 78 Organizer Scott Jackson. “As they continue to grow,

Continental Service Agents Join Machinists!

For Immediate Release Toronto, ON – Forty-One Service agents at Continental Airlines at Pearson International Airport are the newest members of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers. The IAMAW also represents United Airlines service agents in Vancouver. “This is the first group of Continental employees in Canada to join the Machinists and job security was foremost on the minds,” said IAMAW District Lodge 78 Organizer Scott Jackson. Continental

Strike Narrowly Avoided at Wexxar Packaging!

For Immediate Release Delta, BC – Benefits are not the usual make or break strike issue in most contract negotiations but they were certainly front and center in talks between IAMAW Local Lodge 692 and Wexxar Packaging. “Mediation had produced a four-year agreement but the sticking point was who was going to pay for Long and Short term disability benefits,” explained IAMAW District Lodge 250 Business Representative Paul Pelletreau. “The