News Releases

Machinists Welcome Seymour Workers!

North Bay, On – Workers at Seymour Windows & Doors Limited are the newest members of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers. “These workers were looking for someone to represent their concerns with their employer and they found a voice with the Machinists,” said IAMAW District 78 Organizer Scott Jackson. “This organizing victory was made possible through the efforts of Ernie Giroux, of IAMAW Local Lodge 2412. He’s

Machinists sign new Agreement with Rolls Royce Canada!

Lachine, QC – Members of IAMAW Local Lodge 2468, employed as office technicians at Rolls Royce Canada, have a new collective agreement. The 170 members ratified the new three-year agreement by a margin of 80 per cent. The new agreement provides for a lump sum payment of $2,500 in the first year and wage increases of 2 percent and 2.5 per cent in the second and third year respectively. The

Machinists Sign New Deal with Rolls Royce

Montréal, QC – Members of IAMAW Local Lodge 869 have ratified a new collective agreement with Rolls Royce Canada by a margin of 59.6 per cent. The three-year agreement provides wage increases 2.5 per cent in each of the first two years and 3 per cent in the third year. Other agreement highlights include : • Reduced time for new probationary employees • Employers contribution to drug insurance for retirees age

Strike Averted at Avcorp – Machinists Ink New Deal!

Vancouver, BC – There will not be a strike at Avcorp Industries. Members of IAMAW Local Lodge 11 have ratified a new three-year agreement by a margin of 69 per cent. “There were 22 days of full intensive meetings to reach this agreement,” said IAMAW District 250 Directing Business Representative Stan Pickthall. “This round of bargaining with this employer was the toughest in my experience and our bargaining committee of

Machinists Ratify First Agreement with TGAS

Toronto, On – Members of IAMAW Local Lodge 2323 have ratified their first collective agreement with Toronto Ground Airport Services. “As first agreements go, we consider this one to be very acceptable,” said IAMAW District 140 Organizer Ian Morland. The two-year agreement provides wage increases of 3 per cent in each year. Other agreement highlights include a paid lunch and improved benefits. The 175 members were organized last November. They

Toyota Canada Workers Seek Representation with IAM!

Cambridge, On – Team Members at Toyota assembly plants in Cambridge and Woodstock have asked the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers for union representation. “The inside organizing committee have been canvassing workers for the past several months and they have received numerous requests for a return of the IAM,” said IAM District 140 Organizer Ian Morland. The IAM attempted to organize the two plants in a drive from

Pattison Agreement Attracts New Members to Machinists!

Vancouver, B.C. – The quick resolution to negotiations and the contents of the new collective agreement with Jim Pattison Toyota Downtown has resulted in three new members for the Machinists! “The fact that we settled negotiations within three days of bargaining and were able to improve wages and benefits prompted three non-bargaining unit employees to approach the union for membership,” said IAMAW District Lodge 250 Business Representative Walter Gerlach. “More

Machinists Narrowly Accept Richmond Honda Deal!

Richmond, B.C. – A mediated settlement between Richmond Honda and IAMAW Local Lodge 1857 was narrowly accepted by a 65 per cent margin. The three-year agreement provides wage increases of 1.5 per cent, 1.25 per cent and 1.5 per cent in the first, second and third years respectively. The only significant highlight of the agreement was the addition of another sick day. “The membership wasn’t enthusiastic with the mediated settlement

More OPT Workers join The Machinists!

Winchester, On – Employees at Ontario Patient Transfer’s newest base in Winchester, south of Ottawa, have joined the IAMAW. They join members of IAMAW Local Lodge 1295 employed at OPT’s head office in Hamilton. “Lack of any benefits and hours of work were the biggest concerns for these workers,” explained IAMAW District Lodge 78 Organizer Scott Jackson. The 20 ambulance attendants provide non-emergency ambulatory patient transfers from Winchester to Ottawa

Days Inn signe une première convention collective avec les Machinistes!

London, ON – Les 20 membres de la section locale 1295 de l’AIMTA, à l’emploi de Days Inn, ont ratifié leur première convention collective. L’entente, d’une durée de deux ans, prévoit pour le personnel d’entretien des chambres des augmentations de salaire de 9,50 $ l’heure à 10,70 $ l’heure la première année et à 10,86 $ l’heure la deuxième année. Quant au personnel de maintenance, il touchera une augmentation de