Political Action

Labour’s Views on Renegotiating NAFTA - Hassan Yussuff

December 15, 2016 File No.: 10107-01-2016 To: Canadian Council Greetings: RE: Labour’s Views on Renegotiating NAFTA   The election of Donald Trump on November 8, 2016 has serious ramifications for Canadian trade policy given his promise to tear up NAFTA. Canadian and Mexican officials have responded to this uncertainty by indicating that both governments would be willing to engage a Trump administration in renegotiating NAFTA.   For Canada, topics of

Political Action - Right Reason, Right People = Respect and Recognition!

Machinists have become a household name amongst Canada’s Parliamentarians in Ottawa. We conducted intense lobbying in three sessions: The first occurred in April when the Machinists brought the largest delegation to a Canadian Labour Congress Lobby on the Trans Pacific Partnership, the Canada Pension Plan and the health threats posed by asbestos.   The results were significant because the government has recently announced improvements to the Canada Pension Plan, it

Union Drives slowed by Bill Delay

Ottawa, ON – Many Canadian unions have placed their membership drives on hold because a Liberal labour-bill designed to overturn a Conservative law on certification has yet to be passed. Bill C-525, An Act to Amend the Canada Labour Code enacted last year, abolished the card check system in favour of secret balloting to certify new collective bargaining units in federally-regulated workplaces. Although the Liberal cabinet vowed to repeal Bill

Political Action Right Reason, Right People = Respect and Recognition!

Machinists have become a household name amongst Canada’s Parliamentarians in Ottawa. We conducted intense lobbying in three sessions: The first occurred in April when the Machinists brought the largest delegation to a Canadian Labour Congress Lobby on the Trans Pacific Partnership, the Canada Pension Plan and the health threats posed by asbestos. The results were significant because the government has recently announced improvements to the Canada Pension Plan, it wasn’t

Machinists make their views known in Ottawa

Ottawa, ON – There is a growing awareness of the IAM in Ottawa political circles. In Mid –April, 70 Machinist members took part in a mass political lobby of MP’s conducted by the Canadian Labour Congress. Our members lobbied all three parties on the need to raise the Canada Pension Plan contributions, stop the Trans Pacific Partnership and stop the import of asbestos into Canada. We were back in Ottawa

IAMAW calls on the Senate to reject Bill C- 10

Monday May 9, 2016 For Immediate Release After meeting with many federal Members of Parliament from all parties and making a presentation to the Standing Committee on Transport, Infrastructure and Communities, the IAMAW has now taken the fight against Bill C-10, which amends the the Air Canada Public Participation Act, to the Senate. The IAMAW wants to raise awareness in the Senate of the danger the bill represents to Canadian

Top 10 things Canadian unions want to see in the federal budget

Monday, March 14, 2016   Early next week, the federal Liberal government will table their first budget. This is an historic opportunity for our government to respond to the jobs crisis, while also beginning to repair services and programs that Canadians rely on.   Working Canadians and their families are facing a precarious economic picture, but Canada is well-positioned to turn things around. Last October, the Liberals were elected precisely

The 2015 Canadian PAC Symposium: This is Our Time

GVP Ritchie at the Political Action Symposium: "Shameful" that only 50% of unionized households voted. "There’s nothing magical about political action," said Canadian GVP Dave Ritchie. "You have to be persistent and repeat your message over and over until the voters think of it as their own." Ritchie was speaking to over 90 delegates to the 2nd annual Canadian Political Action Symposium being held this week at the William W

Fourth Political Action Day the Best Ever

Montréal, QC – With an eye toward the upcoming federal election, the Conseil des Machinistes du Québec held its fourth Political Action Day June 29 and it was a huge success. “It was great to see so many NDP Members of Parliament and new candidates out to meet with IAM members,” said Eric Rancourt, IAM Local Lodge 712 Vice President and President of the Conseil des Machinistes du Québec. Thirteen

Stop Stephen Harper's "Secret Police" Bill

TO: OUR MPS AND PARTY LEADERS Prime Minister Harper is trying to pass a new “secret police” law that would give reckless and unnecessary powers to spy agencies with little oversight or accountability. Let's defend our democracy – tell party leaders and MPs to reject fear, stop this bill and start over with real oversight. We call on MPs to reject Stephen Harper’s fear campaign and stop the bill, unless