IAM Election Video #24 - IMAGINE (Dave Ritchie)

  IMAGINE – Dave Ritchie, General Vice-President, IAMAW Canada Video #23 – Healthcare Video #22 – Affordability Video #21 – JOBS Video #20 – CHILDCARE Video #19 – MEDICARE Video #18 – THE ENVIRONMENT Vdeo #17 – WORKERS Vdeo #16 – TRUST Vdeo #15 – CORPORATIONS Video #14 – Seniors 2 Video #13 – KING OF CONTEMPT Video #12 – ARROGANCE Video #11 – Harper – Unfit to Govern! Video

Day of Mourning, April 28, 2011

Each year the Machinist Union joins with Labour Nationally and Labour accredited Health and Safety agencies nation wide in the effort to remember those tragically killed or maimed in the course of employment and, just as importantly, to continue to highlight the carnage and personal loss created by workplace accidents and disease. These efforts are critical to enhancing public awareness for our collective efforts to save lives and protect workers

Machinists ratify with Volvo/Mack Canada!

Mississauga, ON – Members of IAMAW Local Lodge 1922 have unanimously ratified a new collective agreement with Volvo/Mack Canada. The three-year agreement provides for wage increases of 2.5 per cent in each year with the wage increase in the first year retroactive to September 30, 2010. Other agreement high lights include : • Increased shift premiums • Increased Vision care benefits • Increased Safety Shoe allowance • Increased physiotherapy benefits •

Machinists Ratify with Ecojustice!

Toronto, ON – Members of IAMAW Local Lodge 1922 have ratified a new collective agreement with Ecojustice. The two-year agreement provides for wage increases of 2 per cent in the first year and a possible 2 per cent in the second year dependent upon the Consumer Price Index or CPI. Other agreement highlights include an additional floater holiday, improved holiday pay language for part time employees and improved contract language.

Questions to ask leaders and candidates in this election

Good day to all.  You will find below the question Local Lodge 1751 would like you to send to the media for the “Leaders’ Debate”: “Air Canada has sold all of its Overhaul Centres in Canada, which contravenes the Air Canada Public Participation Act.  This will cause the loss of 4,500 direct jobs and more than 23,000 indirect jobs in Canada.  What will you do to reinforce the Act and

Machinists Union opens bargaining with Air Canada and Aveos

Toronto, ON – Today the Machinists Union opened bargaining with Air Canada and Aveos at the Sheraton Centre Downtown in Toronto. This bargaining is unprecedented in that, for the first time ever, the Canadian General Vice-President has participated from the very beginning of negotiations. “We are looking for gains in this entire process,” said Chuck Atkinson, IAM District 140 National President and Directing General Chairperson. “That is our message and

Surprise Gesture Marks Raffle to Benefit 2012 Convention

Thu. March 31, 2011 IAM/TCU President Bob Scardelletti holds up his winning ticket in the drawing for a 2012 Bombardier Can-Am Roadster. Scardelletti then donated the three-wheeled motorcycle back to the Grand Lodge Host Committee to be raffled off again. More than 300 delegates and guests at the 2011 MNPL Planning Committee Meeting in Albuquerque, NM held their breath as IAM President Tom Buffenbarger called out the winning number in

Unprecedented Solidarity Nets New Members for Machinists!

Montréal, QC – IAMAW Local Lodge 1660 has new members thanks to unprecedented solidarity within the Québec Federation of Labour. In an organizing campaign lasting more than a year, 51 mechanics, machinists, millwrights, electricians and general labourers employed by the Montréal Transportation Agency, are now members of the Machinists. “When we started this campaign we asked the QFL for organizing help,” explained IAMAW District Lodge 11 Directing Business Representative David