Maritime Machinists convention 2009

Moncton, NB – The Maritime Council of Machinists elected a new executive board for the upcoming term at the recent two-day MCM Conference held in Moncton, New Brunswick. Canadian GVP Dave Ritchie swears in the new slate of executive officers for the Maritime Council of Machinists in Moncton New Brunswick The new MCM Executive Board (from left to right) back row – Andrew MacFarlane – VP Nova Scotia, Mike Scully

Help Prevent Cervical Cancer

The Pearl of Wisdom campaign supports programs to prevent cervical cancer. Almost every case of cervical cancer can be prevented through programs using the Pap test, the HPV test, and the HPV vaccine. But many women around the world don’t know about or have access to these tools. As a result, 500,000 women develop cervical cancer and almost 300,000 die of cervical cancer – every year. The Pearl of Wisdom

Resist the HST (Ontatio only)

Next summer (2010) the Ontario Government is set to put into force its new harmonized GST/PST sales tax which will apply a 13% sales tax to everything we purchase. Things That Were Not Subject To The Current 8% PST Will Be Now Taxed As a result, things that were not previously taxed under the current Ontario Provincial Sales Tax (PST) will be taxed at 8%. The new 13% tax will

Machinists Ink New Agreement With Lounsbury

Miramichi, NB – Members of IAMAW Local Lodge 2418 have ratified a new collective agreement with Lounsbury Company Ltd. (Chevrolet). The three – year agreement provides wage increases of 2 per cent in the first year retroactive to September 1, 2009, and two six month increases of one per cent in each of the remaining two years. Other agreement highlights include : • Parts and Service employees receive a $100 annual

Flaherty's Pension Announcement: A Weak Response

I recently wrote about the “pension crisis” and what was needed to improve income protection for Canadian seniors. While several provinces have been working on new pension rules, it was federal Finance Minister Flaherty who made the first move, with his announcement on October 26 of proposed changes to federal pension legislation. While there were some positive elements in Flaherty’s announcement, it was far short of what we need. His

“Keep your promises,” say laid-off workers

Ontario’s Second Career training program in doubt, while federal EI training programs don’t meet expectations Toronto, On — Public and private sector unions including the IAMAW as well as laid off workers are calling on the provincial and federal governments to keep their word and to ensure that those who were promised training get it. “Too many workers in general are employed in low-skill, low-wage jobs,” says IAMAW Education Representative

Pensions en crise : un mythe ou une réalité?

Si vous avez lu les journaux cette semaine, vous pourriez croire que les régimes de pension ont fait l’objet d’une transformation soudaine et radicale au Canada, et il faudrait vous pardonner votre erreur de perception. Il appert que tout le monde écrit sur la crise qui frappe les régimes de pension : régimes qui disparaissent, faillites, perte de droits à pension, retraités qui craignent de ne plus pouvoir subvenir à

Pension Crisis?

If you look at the newspapers this week, you could be forgiven for thinking that there have been sudden dramatic changes in Canadian pension plans. It seems like everyone is writing articles about the pension crisis – disappearing pension plans, bankruptcies, workers losing plans, retirees afraid of starving. Unfortunately, lot of what is being written is confusing and in some cases, confused, so I’ll try to briefly sort out what

Excellent story about SMS in Canada - by Carlos Da Costa

“Excellent story about SMS in Canada”Recently, I came across a very interesting but lengthy story about Safety Management System (SMS) in Canada titled “Fly At Your Own Risk: Why is Transport Canada moving toward self-regulation for the country’s airlines?” Once in a while you come across a story that just can’t be ignored and captures the issue in its entirety from someone else’s perspective. This story featured in The Walrus

Ambutrans Workers Ratify First Agreement

Toronto, ON – Members of IAMAW Local Lodge 1295 employed with Ambutrans have ratified their first collective agreement. The four-year agreement provides wage adjustments in the first year as well as wage increases of two per cent in each year. Other agreement highlights include : • Paid lunch • Meal allowance for long distance trips • Overtime and holiday provisions • Vacation increases – 3 weeks after 5 years of service