New Buyer for GE Hydro Found – IAMAW Jobs Saved!

Tuesday July 8, 2008 For Immediate Release Lachine, QC – The 450 members of IAMAW Local Lodge 1660 employed at GE Hydro can face this summer with renewed optimism. The members were faced with losing their jobs because GE Hydro was to close the 89-year old facility at the end of June 2008. However the doors will remain open following the purchase of the facility by Andritz Va Tech Hydro

Boart Longyear Machinists benefit from Mining Boom!

Tuesday June 24, 2008 For Immediate Release North Bay, ON – A booming Canadian mining industry has paid dividends for members of IAMAW Local Lodge 2412 employed by Boart Longyear. “Our membership has tripled in size over the life of the last agreement because of the continual demand for drilling and exploration equipment by the Canadian mining industry,” said IAMAW Grand Lodge Representative Pat Murphy. “This agreement reflects the success

Supreme Court of Canada Protects Union’s Bargaining Rights!

Friday June 20, 2008 For Immediate Release Edmonton, AB – This week’s decision by the Supreme Court of Canada in the Finning decision confirms that trade union bargaining rights are protected when a company creates and finances a new company, transfers part of its operation to that new company, and lays off the unionized workers. “This is a great victory for all unionized Canadian workers,” said IAMAW District 14 Business

Government inaction on oil prices costs Machinists jobs at Air Canada

Tuesday June 17, 2008 For Immediate Release Toronto, ON – “The Harper government is doing nothing about rising oil prices and today it has cost 650 Machinist members their jobs at Air Canada,” said an irate IAMAW Canadian General Vice President Dave Ritchie. Ritchie was reacting to Air Canada’s announcement that it plans to eliminate 2,000 jobs and reduce its capacity due to higher fuel prices. “The prime minister and

Machinists Ratify Aramark Agreement!

Monday June 16, 2008 For Immediate Release Lachine, QC – Members of IAMAW Local Lodge 1148, employed as cafeteria workers by Aramark, have a new collective agreement. The four-year agreement provides for wage increases of 3 per cent in each of the first two years and 2.5 per cent in each of the remaining two years. Other agreement highlights include : Two additional holidays for Christmas Increased safety shoe allowance Increased

Wal-Mart - Just the Facts

Just the facts… Wal-Mart is the largest private employer in the world and the richest company in the world. 5000 stores worldwide in 10 countries. 256 stores across Canada employing over 60,000 employees. 5 of the richest 13 people in the world are members of the Walton family. 28 hours a week is considered fulltime work at Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart’s highest paid executive earns more money in one day than a

Media Advisory - Dave Ritchie Press Conference following a meeting with Labour Minister Claudette Bradshaw

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Advisory OTTAWA – Dave Ritchie, Canadian Vice President of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM), will hold a news conference, Tuesday, December 7 at 1:45 P.M. in 130S Centre Block, following a meeting with Labour Minister Claudette Bradshaw to discuss the economic security of air transport employees affected by air transport restructuring. The IAM is Canada’s largest air transport union representing more than

Machinists Union secures 6000 jobs in air transport restructuring

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Machinists Union secures 6000 jobs in air transport restructuring WINNIPEG – Dave Ritchie, Canadian Vice President of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) and Ron Fontaine, President of the IAM’ Air Transport District today announced a major breakthrough in its campaign to secure worker protection in the ongoing air transport restructuring process. The union has secured an agreement with Air Canada that, if it

Machinists Union Leadership to Testify at Commons Transport Committee

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Machinists Union Leadership to Testify at Commons Transport Committee OTTAWA – Dave Ritchie, Canadian Vice President of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM), will outline the union’s position on air transport restructuring in an appearance before the House of Commons Transport Committee today (Tuesday, November 16) at 5 p.m. in Room 237-C of the Centre Block. The Machinists Union, Canada’s largest air transport union,