IAM ratify new agreement with Waterloo Manufacturing

Monday June 26, 2023 For Immediate Release Waterloo, ON – Local Lodge 2707 members at Waterloo Manufacturing recently ratified a new Collective Agreement late last week. IAM Grand Lodge Representative Derek Ferguson explained, “Committee member Bill Doerbecker was very effective in advocating for the interests of the membership. The membership’s strong support of the committee was crucial in achieving the gains made during this difficult round of bargaining.” Highlights of

Winnipeg hangar reopens – jobs return to YWG!

On 13 June, Kevin Timms and Satwant Saini visited the newly-reopened Winnipeg Hanger with #YWGShopCommittee and GLR Tony Didoshak. Members have returned home after commuting to out-stations since 2005. After getting their YWG security clearance, they will start turning wrenches on aircraft by 26 June. The Hanger reopening has created almost 30 jobs. And our members are happy to be home and not commute any longer.

The IAM Automotive Conference – A Chance for greater connection

The IAM’s Winpisinger Center recently hosted an Automotive Conference with representatives from Territories from across the union. The two-day conference had about 25 participants and featured updates on different industries and employers. Craig Hughes, the IAM’s newly appointed IAM Automotive Coordinator, along with Western Territory Grand Lodge Representative Brandon Hemming and District 9 Business Representative Roy Collins give their thoughts and comments about the importance of the automotive industry for

OPCM Convention resumes with a bang after three long years

The Ontario Provincial Council of Machinists (OPCM) convened over the weekend for the first time in more than 3 years, all due to the pandemic. In addition to talking about organising, mentorship, and political action, a new executive was chosen to serve for the following three years. It was their 59th Annual Convention. The conference attendees were a reflection of the IAM in Ontario’s expanding diversity. There were more women

LL1295 members at Peel Cheshire Home ratify new contract

Brampton, ON – Members at Peel Cheshire Home in Brampton have ratified a new agreement. This one-year deal will avoid arbitration and prevent further delays in wage improvements for healthcare workers who provide essential care to vulnerable members of the community. The agreement comes with a retroactive payment of 4%, a 3% increase in wages going forward, and a 1.5% pension contribution. The group is optimistic that with new management,

IAM Statement on Indigenous History Month in Canada

During Indigenous History Month, we recognise and honour the invaluable contributions, resilience, and diverse histories of Indigenous peoples in Canada. We have celebrated Indigenous History Month since June 2009. This month provides an important opportunity for all Canadians to deepen their understanding and appreciation of the history, rich cultural heritage, experiences, resilience and contributions of First Nations, Inuit and Métis on Turtle Island. In the month of June, two dates

IAM Pride Month Statement

We are proud to join the global celebration of Pride Month, a time when we come together to honour the diversity, resilience, and achievements of the 2SLGBTQ+ community. As a union committed to equality, inclusivity, and social justice, the IAM recognises the importance of supporting and advocating for the rights and well-being of our 2SLGBTQ+ members and allies. Pride Month is a significant reminder of the progress we have made

World Cabin Crew Appreciation Day

31 May is ‘World Cabin Crew Appreciation Day,’ a celebration for all flight attendants and cabin crew (also known as ‘International Flight Attendants Day’). International Cabin Crew Day has been celebrated around the world since at least 2015. It was first started by a Canadian flight attendant union to highlight the role of cabin crew and see them recognized for their hard work and dedication to their profession. Cabin crew

IAM Position on Artificial Intelligence confirmed by Ontario Privacy Commissioner and Ontario Human Rights Commission

The IAM has consistently advocated for regulation of AI, which includes broad consultation with workers and the general public. The IAM’s report, “Charting Change: Workers’ Voices in an Automated World,” focuses on AI technology and its impact on Canadian jobs. The report offers conclusions and recommendations from focus groups with union members who voiced their worries and daily realities with automation.