Good news for IAM Local Lodge 2797 members working at NSGEU

Recently the Province of Nova Scotia announced it would provide several NSGEU bargaining units (NSH Health Care, NSLC and NSCC) with an extra 1 per cent wage increase outside of bargaining. That’s because these bargaining units settled agreements early in the bargaining cycle and before the Civil Service managed to achieve a 1 per cent higher settlement in arbitration. Following the province’s announcement, the NSGEU and IAMAW began discussing extending

Workers got 99 problems and the Liberal federal budget is one

While anticipation was high, hopes dropped low upon the release of the federal government’s budget. Labour’s long sought demands were met in part, such as the expansion of dental care, which will directly benefit approximately nine million Canadians. But, the budget missed the mark in addressing daily hardships of working Canadians, as well as, the need to invest in critical services like, pharmacare, long-term care, mental health care, child care,

IAM’s Committee on the Future Coming to a City Near You

Last year a resolution was passed by the delegation at the 40th IAM Grand Lodge Convention to create a Committee on the Future. The group was established to listen to IAM members throughout the Canada and the United States to propose new ideas on how to grow the union and develop the next generation of leaders and activists. Meetings will be held between May and August 2023. The Committee on

First IAM contract brings gains for workers at Belterra in Calgary

Calgary, AB – 26 new IAM members voted to accept their very first IAM contract. Last week, the new IAM members of Local Lodge 2583 in Calgary, Alberta ratified a first collective agreement with Belterra. They join Belterra workers in British Columbia. “While we were able to achieve a 2-year deal and get 16.5% wage increases since ratification. The real reason we were at the table was to address work-life

Securing Retirement: Local Lodge 54 Is Laying the Groundwork

Pension security for many Canadian workers is a fading reality, as most employers offer unstable and risky sources of pension savings, or none at all. Union pension plans have always provided a superior form of pension savings, taking risk and responsibility off workers, while yielding predictable, guaranteed for life pensions. For all intents and purposes, pensions are becoming a top-of-mind issue among members. We see this resurgence among many members,

IAM’s Saula makes key presentation at international OECD conference

Artificial intelligence is constantly changing the way we learn, think, work, and act. Given rapid advancements in AI, the IAM embarked on a study of the impact of new technologies on our member’s work. We’ve used this information to raise our members’ and the public’s awareness, but perhaps most importantly, we’re ensuring the findings are influencing legislation and policy development. The capacity of AI technologies continues to be augmented by

Making progress on gender equality - Valliere attends UNCSW67

Earlier this month a delegation of Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) affiliates attended the United Nations 67th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW67) from 6-17 March, 2023 in New York City. The theme of the meeting was Innovation and Technological Change: Education in the Digital Age – Progress toward Gender Equality. During the week there were many side panel discussions which took place. A great opportunity for

GVP David Chartrand joins Leucan Shaved Head Challenge for kids diagnosed with cancer

To all Friends family and to all my siblings in our labour family. Please take a few minutes to read the following important message Multiple IAMAW members including myself have decided to join a fellow member of Local Lodge 712 to fundraise for an incredible cause . The Leucan Shaved Head challenge is a major fundraising campaign that raises money for clinical research in pediatric oncology, and supports families

Effective Advocacy: the IAM 2023 Political Action Symposium

80 Canadians gathered at the William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center (W3 Center) from all parts of Canada to learn and practice how to advocate on behalf on their members and the sectors they work in. The three-day session opened with Winpisinger Centre Director Mary McHugh welcoming participants and W3 Centre Education Representative Matt Pyne going over some of the protocols. Pyne was also the resource person for the

2023 IAM Photography Contest

Attention all IAM members who enjoy taking photos. The 2023 IAM Photography contest is now open, so get out your cameras or smartphones and start snapping some pics of your Union sisters and brothers. The official call letter and entry forms can be found here. Submit your pictures of IAM members in their workplace, union function, or performing community service for a chance to win a cash prize and have