Local Lodge 1231 gets new Communicator and training

31 August, 2022 Toronto, ON – IAM Local Lodge 1231 has a new Communicator. Along with the announcement of the appointment, Sabiha Khan also received communications training to go with her appointment. Khan received basic training from Frank Saptel at the Canadian Office of the IAM via Zoom. The training covered WordPress, as well as an orientation to the (new) Facebook page for the local. “Since joining the union, we

LL692 members at AK Draft and Seal strike for better wages

31 August, 2022 Langley, BC – Members of IAM Local Lodge are on strike as of this morning. The 32 members of Local Lodge 692 went on strike when they reached an impasse with the employer on improving their wages. “Wages are the main issue,” said Andrew Tricker, Business Representative for IAM District 250. The members have been without a raise and have experienced first-hand the devastation that inflation and

Wage increases improve LL103 Domclean contract

This past weekend LL 103 members employed by Domclean ratified a new 3-year agreement. Over the life of the contract IAM members will benefit from current protections of a collective agreement as well as significant wage increases totalling an upwards of 18% “A special Thank You to union steward and committee person Catherine Smith for all her hard work, as well as DL 78 Sister Vivianne Simon for her leadership

Outstanding Pension Benefit???

Do you have an outstanding pension benefit? Did you ever work at an employer represented by the IAM? You may be entitled to a pension plan benefit. The IAM Labour-Management Pension Plan and the IAM Multi-Employer Pension Plan have money set aside for outstanding payment to pension plan members. If you think you may be entitled to a payment, please email us at iammember@iampension.ca

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation - Arbitration win for IAM District 250

Paul Pelletreau, Business Representative with IAM District 250 recently won an important arbitration award concerning enshrining National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (NDTR) in British Columbia collective agreements. Members now have the right to participate in supporting the Indigenous communities (First Nations, Inuit and Metis) in British Columbia. The wins for IAM members really began last year when we contested Olympic Motors’ position on NDTR”, said Pelletreau. “That decision was

The Untold Story of Inflation: Corporate Profits Are the Real Culprit

By Ivana Saula Canadian Director of Research Over the last few months, inflation has been running rampant causing a rise in prices, the cost of living, and cutting into real wages of workers. Mainstream media has blamed high inflation on government spending during the pandemic, and increasing wages as culprits. Yet, wages have increased only slightly (3.3%), when compared to the consumer price index (8.1% June 2022), meaning workers are

CATSA created pre-board screening issues at airports

At airports across Canada, pre-board screening officers are the first line of defence in keeping our skies safe. In the provinces of British Columbia and Ontario, its members of the International Association of Machinists that do this work. In Canada, the Canadian Air Transportation Security Authority (CATSA) is responsible for all screening at airports and contracts screening services to individual corporations to supply screening services. The job of the CATSA

IAM Local 99 inaugurates special memorial for fallen member

On 31 March, 2021, our membership suffered a devasting blow with the workplace death of brother Ryan Coughlan, a member of IAM Local 99. Ryan’s sudden passing shocked and saddened all knew him. In the ongoing recognition of Ryan and his family, IAM members where Ryan worked (Finning, Edmonton) put on a memorial Show-and-Shine Day on Saturday, 25 June, 2022. The day included the opening of the memorial site built

Airport screeners rally for dignity, justice

28 June, 2022 Toronto, ON – IAM Airport Screening Officers working at airports in Toronto, Vancouver and other airports in British Columbia rallied for dignity, justice and better working conditions. Other unions, including the United Steelworkers who also represent Screening Officers, as well as labour councils, federations of labour and the Canadian Labour Congress, supported the rallies. Screening Officers, tired of low pay, long working hours under strict conditions, and