Ontario Election 2018

OFL Town Hall meetings generating interest Hamilton, ON – There were no empty seats at the Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL) Pre-Election Town Hall meeting in Hamilton April 5th. “There’s a lot at stake in this upcoming election,” said IAM Grand Lodge Political Action Representative Lou Pagrach. “We have a chance to reverse years of cuts to our public services and bring real change in Ontario.” There are just over

Machinists ratify new deal with Days Inn London

Wednesday April 4, 2018   For Immediate Release London, ON – Members of IAM Local Lodge 1295 have ratified a new collective agreement with Days Inn. The three-year deal provides wage increases each year and improved contract language. Other improvements include: Health care benefits improved through reduced co-pay Vacation pay will now be paid on a separate cheque Members will receive increased IAM Pension contributions from the employer in the

UNITE HERE draws support from International Unions

Toronto, ON – Members of UNITE HERE Local 75 received a collective boost of support from International Unions including the IAM in their contract squabble with Royal York Fairmont Hotel. More than two hundred labour allies took part in the rally organized by the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) during rush hour in downtown Toronto, Monday. The purpose of the rally was to demonstrate to the Royal York Fairmount Hotel management

Machinists expand membership in B.C. auto sector

Tuesday March 27, 2018 For Immediate Release Victoria, B.C. – IAM District Lodge 250 has expanded its automotive membership with an organizing victory at BMW Victoria, part of the Gain Auto Group. “This employer ran a very significant anti-union campaign and these workers refused to swallow it,” explained IAM District Lodge 250 Directing Business Representative Walter Gerlach. “I admire these people for standing up for change in their workplace rather

Boeing drops appeal of Bombardier decision

Montréal, QC – Boeing Aircraft has dropped its appeal of the United States International Trade Commission decision that the Bombardier C Series sale of 75 aircraft to Delta Airlines did not injure the U.S. aircraft giant. “It’s about time,” said a jubilant IAM Canadian GVP Stan Pickthall. “IAM members in Québec and across Canada have had enough of this dispute between two corporations.” “Now that this stage is behind us,

Singh vows to fight airport privatization

Toronto, ON – Federal New Democratic Party leader Jagmeet Signh told IAM members employed at Toronto’s Pearson airport he will fight airport privatization on their behalf. Singh accepted a petition signed by more than six thousand IAM members from across the country who are opposed to the federal government’s idea of privatizing 18 Canadian airports to raise funds for infrastructure projects. Singh told more than 100 IAM airport workers today,

NDP to take IAM anti-airport privatization petition to Ottawa

Toronto, ON – Today the largest union in Canada’s air transport sector – the IAM – handed over an anti-airport privatization petition to the NDP leader Jagmeet Singh. The IAM wants Singh to take the petition, signed by more than 6,000 IAM members, to Ottawa to show the Prime Minister and Parliament that there is significant opposition to the idea and it should be stopped.  

IAM passes petition to stop airport privatization to NDP

Toronto, ON – Today the IAM handed over its “stop airport privatization petition” to federal NDP leader Jagmeet Singh. More than six thousand IAM members from across Canada signed a petition calling on the Liberal government to stop airport privatization. Speaking to IAM members at IAM Local Lodge 2323 today near Pearson Airport, IAM Canadian General Vice President Stan Pickthall, said the privatization proposal is short sighted and cost members

Privatizing CATSA not the answer!

Thursday March 22, 2018 For Immediate Release Toronto, ON – The federal government is seriously considering a plan to privatize the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority (CATSA) as well as imposing new service standards to eliminate lineups at airport security. “This is simply wrong,” explains IAM Canadian General Vice President Stan Pickthall. “Why hand the service over to a private service provider when all you have to do is give

Montréal Sky Café drivers join IAM

Wednesday March 21, 2018 For Immediate Release Montréal, QC – “I must admit, this was the fastest organizing campaign I have been involved in,” explained a pleased IAM Transportation District Lodge 140 Organizer Sam Jabbar. “From start to finish, it took four hours to convince these workers to join the IAM and sign cards.” “What began as merely an information meeting quickly became more involved and the more Sam spoke