November 22, 2023

Rallying for Affordable Housing

“Each year on November 22, the City of Toronto observes National Housing Day to recognize the vital work done by housing partners, including providers, across Canada to improve access to safe, adequate and affordable housing for everyone.” (City of Toronto website.) Delegates OFL’s 17th Biennial Convention rallied in the streets of Toronto’s Financial District and marched in support of affordable housing, rent control and fair wages to reinforce the convention theme

My very first Convention – by Aaron Miller, LL235, Vice-President

I woke up early that Monday morning with excitement and curiosity of what I may learn or encounter that day. I was surprised and in awe that there were so many others in a similar fight to improve working conditions. I call on all my siblings to engage in your local lodges, communities and workplaces. This experience has opened my eyes to the many issues faced within the labour movement

My first time at the OFL Convention - Tom Lowe, VP LL 1542

Attending the OFL conference provided me a new perspective in regards to the Ontario Labour movement. The items brought forward and debated were informative, but I am returning home feeling an opportunity was missed. I want to be clear, equality in the workplace is vitally important. I also believe Ontario workers deserve wages, pensions and benefits that will provide affordable housing and a comfortable standard of living for themselves and

My first time as an OFL delegate, and how did I get here? - By Heather Kohli, LL 907

Not long after becoming an employee with my current employer about 17 years ago, I became the Secretary/Treasurer of my Local, but we were a small Local, not affiliated with the greater labour movement, even though my employer is a labour union. Since our local joined IAMAW four years ago, I’ve had the opportunity to participate in some great training programs at the Winpisinger centre and grow my network of

My impressions of the OFL Convention - By Joshua Tunde, LL1231

This is my first attendance of the Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL) Convention. It’s Inspiring to see the diversity of the members attending from all walks of life. I immediately felt I belonged because they stand for the improvement of workers’ lives. All speakers referred to the importance of unity – standing up together to collectively use our voices and act. Enough is Enough is the theme of the convention,

New Leadership, New Energy, New OFL

Toronto, ON – The Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL) elected two new officers and re-elected a third to for the core of the new leadership which will guide them for the next two years. Dubbing themselves “Team Ignite”, the three candidates were acclaimed or elected by delegates at the 17th Biennial OFL Convention. Opening the Convention were Krista Maracle, Ethel LaValley and Dan Bowers of the Indigeneous communities. Laura Walton