November 29, 2023

IAM Canada again outnumbers all others in CLC Lobby on Parliament Hill

Ottawa, ON – On Tuesday, more than 200 labour activists met with MPs on Parliament Hill under the banner of the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) – and once again the dominant group came from the IAM. This time 57 IAM members lobbied parliamentarians on the need for a quicker implementation of the Anti-Scab Law, A national Pharmacare plan and sustainable jobs. On Monday evening, the IAM had a caucus meeting

Select Luxury Items Tax Could Leave Canada’s Aerospace Grounded – Urgent Government Action Required

OTTAWA, Nov. 27, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Aerospace Industries Association of Canada (AIAC) and the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAMAW) are sounding the alarm on the severe and negative impacts of the Select Luxury Items Tax Act. An updated study conducted by Professor Jacques Roy of HEC Montréal revealed that more than 3,800 jobs are currently at risk across Canada’s aerospace sector, with 19 aircraft orders

A 4-year contract for Airbus Atlantic Canada members

(Blainville, Friday, November 24, 2023) – Meeting this afternoon in Blainville, the 111 members of the Airbus Atlantic unit, IAMAW Local Lodge 712, voted 67.4% in favour of their employer’s offer. This was the second offer to be presented to members, the first having been rejected by 98.8% on November 12. “This second labour contract for the Airbus Atlantique unit puts in place fair working conditions”, explains Christian Bertrand, President