Better Than Ever - 10th anniversary for Canadian Political Action Symposium

It was a successful 10th anniversary for the Canadian Political Action Symposium. IAM activists from across Canada gathered at the crown jewel of the IAM, the Winpisinger Education and Technology Center in Hollywood, Maryland for the Symposium. By all accounts, it was the best ever! IAM Canadian General Vice-President David Chartrand underscored the importance of political action, especially in light of the upcoming federal election in 2025. “Engaging our members

Day of Mourning Ceremonies 2024

April 28, 2024 at12:00 AM – 11:59 PM April 28th is the labour movement’s most solemn day, but also one to refocus our commitment to preventing future workplace injuries and deaths. Every year, thousands of workers, friends and families of fallen workers gather at ceremonies across Canada to recognize the National Day of Mourning for workers killed or injured on the job. This year, we will gather in communities across the

IAM member giving back to the community

IAM Local 835 member in Saint John, NB, Rick Clayton (left) receiving the Clow/McWane Canada 2024 volunteer of the year award from company Vice-President Rick Benoit. Rick has volunteered his time and energy to the help with homelessness in Saint John, New Brunswick. He is on the front line and having a direct impact. Rick spends every Saturday afternoon to help feed the homeless as well to provide people with

IAM Executive Council supports members at Local Lodge 712 working at Airbus Canada

In an IAM Executive Council meeting in Chicago, IL, the entire Council took the time to show support for the IAM members undergoing difficult negotiations. “Every single IAM member across North America stands behind our members in Local Lodge 712,” said Brian Bryant, IAM International President. “What they are demanding is only fair and just. All Council members are behind you. Stay Strong! The members in the Mirabel plant in

IAMAW Supports Peel Region Labour Council and shows up in force

The IAM came out in large numbers in support of fundraising efforts by the Peel Region Labour Council. This year, 38 sisters from the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area attended to show unity and solidarity Each year, IAM Canada’s numbers grow and it’s invigorating to see new faces among attendees. Among attendees were veteran members with 55 years of membership, and those just starting out. Those attending for the first

New Collective Agreement for LL235 members at Outedge Media

March 2025 – Recently the members of IAM Local 235 working at Outedge Media, ratified a new 3-year agreement. In addition to annual wage increases, improvements were made to the RRSP plan, vision care, safety boots and outdoor clothing. “The negotiations committee of Alex McClay and Ryan Bell stuck to the important issues and made a huge difference in these negotiations”, said IAM District 78 Union Representative Roy Bhansingh. Outedge Media is located in Toronto, and

Remembering: On This Day - 25 March

Remembering: On This Day25 March Toronto printers strike for the 9-hour day in what is believed to be Canada’s first major strike – 1872 Fire at New York’s Triangle Shirtwaist Factory, 146 workers killed.A fire at New York’s Triangle Shirtwaist Factory, a disaster that would launch a national movement for safer working conditions – 1911 (Triangle: The Fire that Changed America: International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery

Basics and Best Practices for Hybrid Videoconference Meetings (Virtual – from the Winpisinger Center)

Are you interested in taking advantage of the IAM constitutional provisions allowing use of videoconferencing for Local Lodge and District Lodge meetings? If so, join us Wednesday, March 27 for a new virtual program: Basics and Best Practices for Hybrid Videoconference Local Lodge Meetings. The trainings will be held on Wednesday, March 27, at noon and 9 p.m. ET. Each session will run an hour and a half. The program

Living Wages:  Narrowing Wealth Inequality

ILO Reaches Agreement on Living Wages The International Labour Organization, an agency of the United Nations with a mandate to promote decent work around the world by setting international labour standards, reached a milestone agreement on living wages. Experts who studied living wages as a policy tool, agreed that living wages are essential for social and economic justice and equity. Living wages also play a role in reducing poverty and

Local 2797 and Local Lodge 712 winners in IAM Newsletter and Website Awards

Congratulations to IAM lodges who have created outstanding online and print work for the 2021 IAM Communications Contest. Their words, design, and imagery are invaluable tools to keep the membership in tune locally and union-wide. Over the years, the communicators, most of whom are volunteers in local and district lodges, work to capture, inform, and celebrate the work of their peers—communicating the importance of their members’ role in making North