IAM members at Finning vote to end five-week strike

29 July, 2011 Vancouver, B.C. – IAM members from across British Columbia voted 74% in favour of ratifying the contract between the Machinists and Finning. The IAM members from 25 locations across the province walked the picket line for five weeks before reaching an agreement. Wages, benefits, shifts and sub-contracting were the four major issues of concern for the workers who voted overwhelmingly in favour of strike action. “This is

Jack Layton (1950-2011)

  The Machinists Union mourns the passing of Jack Layton. Jack was Leader of Canada’s New Democrats and of Canada’s Official Opposition. He was 61 years old. Jack’s vision and his tireless energy transformed the NDP into Canada’s official opposition. He was someone who believed in social democracy and spent his whole life bringing that message to Canadians. It is a sad day for Canadians and democracy that this great

The answer to reducing workplace injuries is already written

Sometimes we can’t see the forest because of the trees. As employee workplace safety representatives we are always looking to reduce injuries, accidents and illnesses to our members.  After all it’s our job and we are expected to find the root cause. Employers are legally required to answer every accident investigation, usually the same day just to be compliant.  They need to put something down on the report.  Do we

Machinists Ratify New Deal with Hobart!

Owen Sound, ON – Members of IAMAW Local Lodge 386 have ratified a new collective agreement with Hobart Food Equipment Group Canada. The three-year agreement provides for a $350.00 signing bonus and wage increases of 1 per cent in the first year, 1.75 per cent in the second year and 2 per cent in the third year. Other agreement highlights include : • Major modifications to bereavement leave • $10 increase

Orenda Family Day!

Orenda in the is the name of an Iroquois god, loosely translated it means ‘source of power’ and a somewhat appropriate name for a jet engine as well as the name of the company that builds jet engines. There has only been powered flight in this country since 1908 and for over six decades, Orenda Aerospace has been at the forefront of jet propulsion in Canada and around the world.

Stampede Machinists Have New Agreement!

Calgary, AB – Maintenance workers, Equipment operators and Labourers employed by the Calgary Exhibition and Stampede Limited, members of IAMAW Local Lodge 99 have won their first collective agreement. “It was working conditions and respect on the job not money that powered the original organizing drive and this first set of negotiations,” explained IAMAW District Lodge 14 Business Representative Kevin Clark. “Imagine in this modern day and age working 40

Machinists Ratify with Securiguard!

Vancouver, BC – Members of IAMAW Local Lodge 16 have ratified their second collective agreement with Securiguard at Vancouver International Airport. “The Negotiations Committee did a tremendous job”, said IAMAW District Lodge 140 General Chairperson, Tania Canniff. “They defended the issues of critical importance to the membership and in the end delivered a tentative agreement that the membership endorsed by 100 per cent.” The 30-month agreement, effective January 1, 2011,

Machinists Agree to One-Year Deal with Aerogard!

Vancouver, BC – Airport screeners at Vancouver International Airport in British Columbia, represented by the IAMAW have a new collective agreement with Aeroguard. “This was a very difficult round of bargaining, during a very stressful time for our members,” explained IAMAW District General Chairperson Tania Canniff. “Their employer has been instructed by the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority to do more with less, which recently resulted in layoffs of 120

Machinists Strike Finning for the First time in BC!

Vancouver, BC – Members of IAMAW Local Lodge 692 struck Finning International at 25 locations across British Columbia late Wednesday afternoon. “We are working for a fair contract and so far Finning has not given us an offer that will get us a deal,” explained IAMAW District Lodge 250 Directing Business Representative Stan Pickthall. “We have been working hard on these negotiations over the past two days and Finning has

Finning in BC on STRIKE!!

23/6/2011 – Machinists Strike Finning for the First time in BC! Members of IAMAW Local Lodge 692 set up picket lines at 25 Finning International locations across British Columbia late Wednesday afternoon after the employer refused to improve its final contract offer. (Left to right) LL 692 member Glen Olafson receives his strike information from IAMAW District Lodge 250 Directing Business Representative Stan Pickthall IAMAW Local Lodge 692 bargaining team